If Barack can workout…

Well it’s just the middle of January and already life has gotten in the way of my fitness schedule. Studying like a woman possessed to cram in the last of my CECs for my personal training re-cert, among other things, has meant missing days at the gym with only a walk around my neighborhood as a substitute.

I read in the paper the other week about Barack Obama working out at the gym for over 40 days in a row [at that time] and it made me feel pretty bad. I mean if Barack can do it what a pitiful excuse of an exerciser am I? I hardly have the overfilled, stressful schedule of the President-elect, yet he has outdone me in the fitness department big time.

There is an old saying: The hardest muscles to shape are those between your ears. And where getting/staying fit is concerned this saying is really the truth. I know because I have slacked off many times, putting off workout after workout ’till tomorrow’, because I let my brain tell me I had more important things to do [than take care of myself].

But I have just got to work out a way to workout! I am thinking I need back up. Back up like those 10 minute DVDs. Ten minutes, on a hectic day, when events seem to push back my schedule just a little too far, and make it all too easy to say “tomorrow,” seems doable.

So with that in mind I went to Neflix today and queued up some workout DVDs. One I am looking forward to is a kettlebell workout. I’ve never done kettlebells before but it seems to feel right – I am into fluidity at the moment and am back on my functional training journey with my favorite: Mark Verstegen. I’ll post about the kettlebell workout once I’ve done it, so stay tuned.

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